HOW is Google's PR Useful to search Engine Optimization?

HOW  is Google's  PR Useful to search Engine Optimization

Page Rank” is a term you will come across with if you’re not so familiar with search engine optimization techniques. The reputable Google search engine uses Page Rank (PR) which is a metric system to determine the relevance of a particular website. Page Rank was named after Larry Page, one of Google’s founding fathers. It’s is important to note that other prominent search engines, such as Yahoo and Bing, do not appear to use Page Rank for determining the relevance of websites.

There’s no way to find out a site’s Page Rank or exactly what Page Rank measures since Google doesn’t release such information. However many search engine optimization experts believe that Page Rank gauges the volume and quality of inbound links to a website. If a website has zero links then most likely it will have a page rank of zero. If it has thousands of links, it may have a page rank between 2 and 5. Major websites such as Microsoft or Google have high Page Rank values that ranges from 8 to 10.
Some Usages for Google Page Rank

Some Usages for Google Page Rank

Traditionally, Page Rank has primarily been used as an informal means of gauging a site’s evolving importance in the eyes of Google. For instance, if your site goes from a Page Rank of 0 to a Page Rank of 3 in six months, that’s considered a triumph. However, if it goes from a Page Rank of 1 to Page Rank of 2 in three years, your site might not be optimized very well.

Page Rank is used to sell links excellently that’s why it is highly   For instance, some website owners pay others to link to their sites because they believe 3rd-party links will increase their site’s Page Rank. Thus many companies base their charges via “linking rates” which are based on a site’s Page Rank.” For example, it is more costly to buy links from a website that has a Page Rank of 4 or 5 than from a website that has a Page Rank of 1 or 2.

Why Google Page Rank is Likely Not Connected to Search Engine Ranking Processes Anymore

There are several reasons why many SEO experts no longer regard improving Page Rank as a useful means of increasing a site’s chances of obtaining quality natural/organic search engine traffic:

  1. The Google search engine prevents sites to use and go around its systems for knowing the importance of websites by buying links that optimizes a site’s Page Rank. As a result, Google doesn’t publicize the Page Ranks of many sites for several months. In that way Google has all the time to check which site should legitimately have higher Page Ranks and which are the ones manipulating the system.
  2. Most of the time Page Rank does not affect the amount of site traffic a website is receiving from Google. Many search engine optimization experts report that some sites with low Page Ranks receive lots of search engine traffic while other sites with high Page Ranks receive little search engine traffic.
  3. SEO Perth asserts that controlling Page Rank is impossible because it cannot be controlled by either search engine optimization experts or website owners. Google uses its own proprietary algorithms for determining Page Rank, which it does not share with the public. Even if website owners follow the proven steps on optimizing their websites, still they have no control over the Page Rank Google gives to their sites. 

A website’s relevance to search engines can be checked by using Page Rank. Nevertheless, you must not use it to check the rates on buying links to your site or use it to determine your site’s worth as per Google.

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